Log In

Before we can remove your data, we need to ensure that it's actually you. Please log in to your account.
If you're having any issue, you can reset your password from the app or contact our support on our Contact Page.

What you need to know:

Deleting your account is a one-way process. We cannot recover any data lost once this occurs. Only delete your account ensuring that there is nothing that you would like to save or purchase.

Here's all the data that we are getting rid of:

  • Your Minikin Generations that you have saved locally and in the Cloud
  • Any images and pages that have been generated by Minikin, not limited to but including your Minikin-Viewer Pages and your Unique Shopify Images
  • Recreation data for any saved Minikins
  • Lingering data regarding Minikins both purchased and not purchased (that you may have an existing checkout for)

  • Selfie Information and biometric included in Minikin Generation

  • Account settings, information, and preferences from the Minikin application

  • Contact information from our Customer Relation Management services

  • Purchase history and information from our Databases

  • Unique Serial Number reservations in our database, including Minikins you have purchased in the past

  • Any information regarding linked-accounts you may have from the Minikin Mobile Application

You'll be prompted to confirm your account deletion before finishing the process, in case you did anything by accident or have any second thoughts. Hit that button when (and if) you're ready!

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